Our Newsletters

The best way to be informed of what's happening at your club

Click here to SUBSCRIBE to our Newsletters

Click here to UNSUBSCRIBE from our Newsletters

Our newsletters are the best way to stay informed of events, changes, themes and other exciting news. We try to send out this information on a regular basis but not too much - we don't want you to ignore us.

You may see the same newsletter posted in many different forums. We are on at least a dozen lifestyle sites and our members may be on one, some, all or none of them. In order to make sure everyone has the opportunity to read about what's going on, you will no doubt receive duplicates.

Currently, we post this information as:

  • Newsletter on Swinglifestyle.
  • Email pointing to our Newsletter.
  • Facebook

When you become a member of the club, your email address is automatically placed in the newsletter email list. We will not share your email address with anyone, we wiil not sell or trade it. Your email address is used only by us to send you our newsletter and any other club related information.

If you wish to no longer receive a newletter from us to your email address, instructions on removing your email address from the list are included as required by the Can Spam Act of 2003. You may still see this same newsletter in the places above.

Currently, SLS unsubscribes does not work as expected. If you have ever signed up for one of our events, you will be included in any mass email we send out on SLS.